Buying a guitar. Electric or acoustic?

A question that comes up a lot is whether one should purchase an acoustic or an electric guitar. Acoustic guitars demand a higher level of, agility, tone, and technique when purchasing a beginner guitar. Electrics are less strenuous to hold strings down, particularly barre chords, and since the strings are more pliable, strings are easierContinue reading “Buying a guitar. Electric or acoustic?”

The Relationship Between Good Rhythm Guitar Play and Good Soloing

Many students ask how to become better at soloing. My experience is the better a rhythm player a guitarist is, the better a soloist they will be. Scales and arpeggios taken by themselves cannot create the excitement for a good solo. Look at them more as a cataloging system and exercises to improve your manualContinue reading “The Relationship Between Good Rhythm Guitar Play and Good Soloing”